Hey guys! I apologize for the lag of posts. I went to Hawaii, moved to my new condo, remodeled it, and still finishing up a whopping 130 models for an 11 min. episode. If anyone out there had that many models to design, please share your adventure.
One of my favorite pixel art toys.
I love the animation and FX in this one.
ka ka ka!
very coooool Mecha-Kong. He ROCKS!
Eek! You can do it Serapio!! Ra ra ra!! ka ka ka!!! That mecha monkey is awesome, Bubble Bobble is one of the best games evah, and that Transformer's kid was cool, until he scared me with his enormous buck teeth! /end of run on sentence
o man...love the pixel art. Sweet
Mecha Kong is cool !!! :)
that mecha-kong is awesome! The style is something i haven't really seen lately and its really nice to look at!
Very cool! Sounds like things are going well for you! How exciting!
sweeet design man! Mecha Kong, TERRORIZE!!!!!!
Tearin' it up as usual. Betcha can't kick flip though.
Hey Serapio! Awesome design! You must of drawn your hand off doing so many designs.
a giant robot gorilla?
probably the coolest thing i've seen all day!
Hey Mr. Hiatus!
Now that you've got the time... UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!!
Whattya doin' instead? Playing Ghost Recon or something?
(Ha ha. Just kidding. Ghost Recon is the greatest game ever.)
I love Dig a Dug
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